Episode 0: We Are The Knights Who Say Geek

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We are the Knights Who Say Geek! This is ground zero for the beginning of something we hope to do for a long time to come. We are a Father and Son podast that talks about all sorts of geeky things but our main focus is going to be on Warhammer.

This episode is episode 0 and is meant to be a starting point. It’s not an official episode but rather it’s more like an introduction and announcement about who we are and what our podcast is going to be about.

So, who are we? We are Brian (the Dad) and Harrison (the Son). Harrison is going off to college soon and we thought this podcast would be an excellent way for us to keep in touch and continue to enjoy this new hobby.

I have been a lover of all things geeky my whole life and my son was quick to follow but Warhammer is relatively knew for both of us. I grew up reading comic books, obsessing over Star Wars, playing Dungeons and Dragons and begging people to play hobby board games. I knew of Warhammer but never really played it.

I onsidered getting into it when the kids were younger but I didn’t think either of my boys would like the model building and painting aspect and sine Warhammer isn’t the cheapest hobby, I dismissed it. One day when Harry was still a senior in High School, he came to me and asked me if I knew anything about it. Apparently for the previous couple of months he had taken a deep dive into Warhammer, was watching videos and reading everything he could and really wanted to play. That suited me just fine so I jumped in head first and here we are, podcasting about our experience with this new hobby of ours.

Give us a listen, like and subscribe and help us grow with a 5 star rating and review. We would love to have you along for this experience.

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