Episode 3: Warhammer Age of Sigmar Skaven, Geeky News, Judge Dredd | The Knights Who Say Geek

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In this episode of the Knights Who Say Geek we talk about the Skaven from Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The Knights Who Say Geek is a Father and Son Podast about Warhammer and other geeky topics. We are pretty new to Warhammer 40K and even newer to Age of Sigmar but we love them both and are super excited to be diving head first into this new hobby.

Harry takes the lead on the first part of the show and tells me all about the Skaven. He is kinda obsessed with those little rat bastards. We talk about their back story, how their army plays and what our favorite models are.

Next up, we both have some news to chat about. The news segment goes well beyond Warhammer and talks about all sorts of things. 

In our final segment, we do another “There and Back Again” where we talk about two very different Judge Dredd movies. It’s always interesting to watch something for the first time together and get each others takes on what generation did it better.

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